%0 Journal Article %A Harris, Emily %T Remote Hypertension Monitoring Improved Medication Use, Raised Costs %B JAMA %D 2023 %R 10.1001/jama.2023.22936 %J JAMA %V 330 %N 22 %P 2146-2146 %@ 0098-7484 %X The remote transmission of blood pressure data from patients to their clinicians, or remote patient monitoring (RPM), improved several measures of hypertension management and also increased health care spending, according to data from 192 practices that used RPM for many of their patients with high blood pressure (“high-RPM” facilities) and 942 practices with little RPM use.Patients with high blood pressure at high-RPM practices increased their use of hypertension medications, had more medication adjustments, and visited their primary care physicians more often than those who attended low-RPM practices. They also spent more money on total hypertension-related care. %[ 6/2/2024 %U https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2023.22936